Submission Guidelines


Submission guidelines:

Ikhtilaf Journal accepts scholarly articles, book reviews, and review essays.

All submissions are blind-reviewed; therefore, authors’ names should appear only on the cover page.

All submissions should Include an abstract and a brief biographical statement which indicates current academic title and/or affiliation(s), recent and forthcoming publications (title, press, and publication date), and any other relevant information.

Contributions should be sent by email as a Microsoft Word (.docx) attached file. The journal uses the stylistic guidelines set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style. However, page references in the text of an essay are formatted in MLA style (parenthetical form). Use endnotes rather than footnotes for all substantive comment and bibliographic information. For emphasis Italics are preferred over bold face.

Each research manuscript should include the following:

1- A cover page that contains: a) Author’s manes and the title of the manuscript, b) An abstract that does not exceed 200 words, c) 4 to 6 keywords

2- The body of the paper
3- Bibliographical references
4- (Optional) Appendices, charts, and tables, if any.
All other contributions (book reviews, interviews etc…) should include the following:
1- The title of the piece
2- The body of the piece
3- Bibliographical references, if any.

While we are flexible with length, we prefer manuscripts to range between 4000 and 6000 words, including the title, abstract, keywords, footnotes, references, appendices, and any additional reference.

All other pieces could fall anywhere between 1000 and 4000 words, including the title, footnotes, bibliography, and any additional reference.


While Ikhtilaf Journal supports the free and indiscriminate access to information, it does not tolerate plagiarism under any form. Acts of plagiarism will instantaneously disqualify the manuscript from consideration and revoke its author’s right to submit again.


Please send contributions to:


Ikhtilaf, Journal of Critical Humanities and Social Studies is a refereed Open Access interdisciplinary publication of the Identity and Difference Research Group affiliated with Université Mohammed Ier, Oujda Morocco. Ikhtilaf is an Arabic word that means both “difference” and “differend” (french for conflict, aporia etc…) The Journal’s mission is to stress difference in thought at a time that forced (globalized) sameness is threatening to stifle creativity, innovation and intellectual freedom. Grounded in the core disciplines of the humanities, Ikhtilaf encourages interdisciplinarity and seeks to bring together humanities and social studies to stress the centrality of critical discourse in our collective response to the crucial interrogations of the twenty-first century. Focusing on North Africa, the Middle East and their relations to African, Asian and European histories, realities and trajectories, Ikhtilaf aims to apply the distinctive research methodologies and approaches developed within the disciplines of the humanities to the study of a wide range of local and regional issues that are of global and transnational significance.